澳门网上博彩官方网站的组织领导力硕士课程提供了多种应用领导力课程, allowing you to align your studies with your specific career goals. 我们的综合应用领导力学位课程装备你的技能,成为一个变革的领导者谁可以推动组织内的积极变化.

组织领导力硕士:应用领导力课程强调自我评估, 指导你通过评估你的个人才能和领导机会的过程. As you earn your applied leadership degree, 你会发展领导知识和技能,可以直接应用到你选择的职业领域, 提高你作为领导者的决策能力,学习如何塑造组织文化.

The Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership is a 36-credit program, 您所选择的应用领导力集中至少需要15个学分. 您还可以选择通过成功满足额外浓度的15学分要求来完成第二个应用领导力浓度.



澳门网上博彩官方网站获得组织领导力硕士学位是实现你的职业和个人目标的坚实一步. With an applied leadership degree, 你会增加你的技能和服务,并在一群求职者中脱颖而出.

华德福的组织领导力硕士学位课程可以让您将学习重点放在您感兴趣的职业领域. 除了完成组织领导的要求:应用领导学位, you will choose one or more concentrations in the following areas:

Criminal Justice Leadership

刑事司法领导浓度允许您深入了解刑事司法的主要领域, including law enforcement, courts and corrections.

Emergency Management Leadership

应急管理领导集中允许您参加应急管理领域的课程, including Homeland Security, Fire Science Administration, and Business.

Fire Rescue Executive Leadership

应急管理领导集中允许您将组织领导原则应用于消防/救援职业领域. You will complete courses in fire/rescue management and leadership. 

Health Care Management

医疗保健管理的浓度允许您深入研究的问题和挑战,具体到医疗保健服务, health care management and health care administration.

Human Resource Development

人力资源开发专注于组织领导的人力资源开发方面. 你将完成人力资源管理、领导力和组织发展方面的课程

Public Administration Leadership

公共行政领导的浓度可以让你发展你的管理团队的技能, coaching employees, finance, budgeting, public policy and local government planning.

Sport Management

体育管理专业可以让你学习体育管理, 体育社会学和体育管理为您在体育相关行业的职业生涯做好准备.

Teacher Leader



获得组织领导力硕士学位:华德福在线应用领导力课程为您提供灵活性, convenience and control. 我们的课程和课程交付系统允许您将您学到的知识应用到您当前的工作和职业中. 通过华德福在线获得学位为你提供了许多优势.

Earn Your Degree Online Around Your Busy Schedule

华德福已经磨练了我们方便和灵活的在线课程交付格式,使您可以轻松地在您的时间表上获得全职或兼职学位. We understand that you may be busy with a job, family responsibilities and other personal commitments. 我们通过最新的互动技术和远程课程交付系统提供在线课程, 让你按照自己的节奏学习,同时还能与你的教授和同学互动.

Learn From Experienced Organizational Leadership Faculty

华德福领导组织领导力项目和教授组织领导力课程的教师拥有组织领导力专业的博士或其他博士学位. 他们把自己的知识和专业知识带到课堂上,帮助你获得真正的行业知识和见解,为你的职业道路做准备. 我们的教师也作为导师和顾问,帮助你在你的教育和超越成功.


我们的组织领导力:应用领导力课程的特点是必修课程,旨在培养您的组织和应用领导力专业知识, including:

  • Personal Leadership Development
  • Leadership Theory and Practice
  • Culture of Learning Organizations
  • Diversity and Inclusion in the Organization Culture
  • Leading Complex Change

取决于你的兴趣和可能的额外选择的集中, 你将学习满足特定专业要求的课程.

This program is available online only.

Available Concentrations

Master's Degree Requirements

  • Completion of 36-credit hour curriculum
  • Minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA
  • Grade of B or higher in all required courses and professional electives


Master's Degree Requirements
Prefix Number Course Credit Hours
ORG 5000 Personal Leadership Development 3
ORG 5100 Leadership Theory and Practice 3
ORG 6600 Culture of Learning Organizations 3
ORG 6700 Diversity and Inclusion in the Organization Culture 3
ORG 6900 Leading Complex Change 3
Total Major Requirement Credit Hours: 15
Professional Electives & Concentration Credit Hours Required 21
Grand Total: 36


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